Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Catching Game...

That's the name given by Trevon for his new favorite thing to do with daddy. This was a video taken after about 15 minutes of the 'game'...they were starting to wind down a little at this point, especially dad. It's also a good way to get Trevon to pick up his toys. Note the bookshelf, third shelf down. (That's not how I put the books on there, but it works for a 3 year old.) Also, Deagan seems to be developing a drinking problem in the video.

Trevon has asked me to play the 'catching game' but I quickly informed him that was a 'daddy' game only!!


Anonymous said...

Cute! I love Deagan with the 2 cups - funny! Tell Nick he better be able to last a bit longer - soon he'll be chasing 3 kids around the living room! ha ha :)

Sara said...

how did you stay so quiet while taping that? I would've been cracking up and breathing all over that camera! Now I know why Nick always has the blanket on his lap...he gets a draft in his pants because of the holes in his knees from crawling around the living room catching the kids!

Anonymous said...

yes, those pants are about to be 'retired'. :)

cara. said...

wish i could have seen nick like this at the party!