Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Some Christmas Fun

Trevon in the Christmas Program at church
Christmas morning
Santa's little helpers...
Funny story about the sweater vest...
Nick dressed Deagan that morning and we later realized that was the very same vest Trevon wore for his first Christmas when he was only 3 months old. Deagan is 18 months old...might I say, Trevon was quite large as a baby.

And in case you don't believe me, here's Trevon at nearly 3 months old...
(Couldn't find any pictures of him in the sweater vest)


Anonymous said...

THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!! HE WAS A CHUNK!!!! :) How funny!
Hope you guys are having a Happy New Year!

PEEPER said...

What a cute little chubby ducky!! OK, I can't believe you were dressed on Christmas morning! If ever there was a day to lounge in your pajamas, its that one!!!

Vicki Ferrell said...

I still have that picture of Trevon on my bookcase here in the office. He was a hoss!!