Monday, March 17, 2008

He's a strange one...

This is something Nick has done since Trevon was born...put T's socks on his ears. There is no explanation for this except Nick is...well, Nick. :) (I'll probably be in trouble for this one, but it's worth it.) hehe


Anonymous said...

Between Bellies showing and socks on the ears, WHAT IS GOING ON AT YOUR HOUSE??? ha ha ha just kidding

Nick said...

Those aren't socks! They are telepathic ear probes that allow us to listen to each others thoughts.

You'll never understand.

Unknown said...

I've been away wa-a-a-a-y too long; I almost missed this picture!!

Nick, you're a doofus.

Britt, you're my hero for getting this shot!

What a hoot!! I miss you guys.

~ Judy