If your kids were at gramma and pawpaw's all weekend, what would you do? Well, Nick and I decided to go through toys. At least, that was the main goal...we did accomplish some other things like eating out, painting 2 rooms (actually just primer), watching a movie, eating out, cleaning, eating out some more, etc. We had a good time. :) Here's a snippet of what we accomplished this weekend...

That is what Trevon's room looked like after we took the toys from all over the house and dumped them on his floor.

We'll see how long this lasts. :)
We also found this in a closet...(Nick looked like he was going to pass out while blowing it up) Trevon said, "Mommy, it can't drive. I want it real!" Guess he'll have to wait a few more years for that. :)
Stay tuned for before and after pictures of the nursery. My sister is planning to help me paint it this next weekend.
Looks like you guys got a lot accomplished. I guess with two little ones, toys replicate and then explode everywhere. :)
Looks like a lot of fun. I can't wait to see the nursery when it's done!
ah, an organization project. now theres my kind of weekend!!
Good Job organizing - you don't even WANT to see what maggie & mackenzie's room looks like right now! (more like your before pics!)
I'm glad you had a nice weekend! I can't wait to see a GIRLY nursery!
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