To make a long story, short...Nick and I decided to find out the sex of our baby. Only we didn't find out at the time of the ultrasound. We had the tech put it in an envelope for us to open on my birthday. (We also weren't going to tell anyone we had found out...I know, we're liars) Then I had the bright idea to let Nick look early and then buy something gender specific for me to open. He wasn't supposed to let me know when he looked b/c I knew it would be torture for me...and it was. Friday, I figured out that he already knew and it nearly drove me crazy all weekend. So I talked him into celebrating my birthday tonight instead of on Monday. Here's what I got to open...

I can't tell you how excited we are...not to mention a little nervous! I thought Nick was playing a joke and had to check the ultrasound picture to make sure. :)
YEAH!!!! Congratulations!! That is so exciting! I can't believe that you talked Nick into finding out... and that you lied to all of us! =) We are very happy for you! You won't have to worry about her dating since she'll have two big brothers watching out for her. Don't worry, I can tell you all you need to know about girls (well, at least what little I've figured out so far!) and then you can return the favor if we have a boy since I'm totally clueless in that department. Congratulations again!
HOORAY!!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!! We have plenty of little girls over here for Baby Girl Myers to play with! :) HOW FUN!!! (and I'm glad you found out! ha ha :) )
Hey! I thought we were going to see your Chinese baby picture!!! That way we'll know what little baby brittney will look like!!
(and your hair looks REAL good in that pic) hehe
CONGRATS Britt! I can't believe you are having a girl!!!! YAY! LOVE YA FRIEND!
i'm an idiot and didnt leave my name
Congratulations!!!! You are going to have so much fun! I'm glad you got to find out, and shared it with the rest of us. Have a great weekend!
I am so excited for you! Yeah!
What a great birthday gift! :) Congratulations!!
Congrats! Girls are fun to dress up, I must confess! We are so happy for you guys! We miss you and need to get together sometime soon.
Rachel Chris and kids
I am so-o-o-o happy for you! You're going to get the complete parenting experience: brothers teasing their baby sister and then defending and protecting her when someone else does. You are so blessed.
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