I haven't been very good at updating the blog...obviously. :)
We got a foot of snow on my birthday (which I wasn't thrilled about). But the boys loved it. I finally broke down and took them outside for about 25 minutes that first day...then had to bribe them with hot chocolate so they'd come in. (I think Trevon would lose a finger to frost-bite before he would come inside on his own.)
all bundled up

trevon's first snow angel... (deagan's wasn't recognizable)

they were so excited to get the snow off the jeep... 
pretending to 'off-road' in the snow...just like daddy used to

deagan wanted to make his own tracks in the snow...i kept telling him it would be easier to follow mine. :)

hot chocolate...as promised

Baylor snuggled in her carseat (she didn't get to play in the snow but i didn't want to leave her out)