My friend
Sara tagged me in her blog so I'm supposed to list 7 quirky things about myself. Here goes...
1) I have to put the toilet paper roll on with the paper coming over the top. If someone else does it the other way, I will correct it...but only at my house.
2) Nick makes fun of me b/c I get upset if fast food employees or servers are rude. Which basically means they have to be positively friendly or they will get my usual reply of, "well, they were pleasant!" (but not until they are out of earshot)
3) I cannot, under any circumstances, turn the vehicle off if the windshield wipers are not in their proper position.
4) I can turn my foot 180 degrees backwards while keeping my hips forward.
5) I hide from my kids when I'm eating something yummy and I don't want to share.
6) I love Coke classic but I'd rather have Pepsi if it's in a can or 2 liter...otherwise it's fountain cokes all the way!!
7) I can't sleep in socks. Even if it's freezing in the house. In fact, I usually have my feet sticking out of the blankets no matter what the temperature is.
Now I'm supposed to tag other friends with blogs. Here goes...
JenniferAlisonEricaSarahKimChristyAbbyHappy quirking!!