Friday, June 27, 2008

Deagan is 2!!

2nd birthdays are not greatly celebrated around here...I guess b/c we keep having babies around that time. Well, Deagan didn't seem to mind too much. He was very shy everytime we told him it was his birthday. We just had some family over for dinner and ice cream cake.

What are you all looking at??
but he did enjoy his cake
Great-grandma Penrod and Deagan share a birthday...Deagan didn't want his picture taken.
but Trevon loves 'my friend grandma Penrod' (as he calls her)

6 weeks!

I can't believe Baylor is 6 weeks old! It's gone by fast but things are starting to get easier. She's finally sleeping longer than 2 hours at a time at night...YAY!! Last night was wonderful. She slept 5 1/2 hours...ate...and slept 4 more. I could definitely get used to that, but I'm not getting my hopes up. She's so precious even though she's not the easiest baby. :) Here are some random pictures.

cousin Riley, Trevon & Deagan

Cookies at gumma & pawpaw's

What? no pink?

goofy face. :)