Monday, March 31, 2008

Children's Museum

Last week, the boys and I went to the Children's Museum with our friends, the Kimmerles. The kids did great and we all had a lot of fun. I didn't have my camera b/c the batteries were dead from Easter, but here are a couple pictures that Kathy took...

Trevon, Ethan & Deagan playing dinosaur

Best Buds...

Trevon, the doorman (from Curious George)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Fun

We had a fun Easter weekend with the kids and family. Saturday, we went to the park in Avon for an easter egg hunt with our friends, the Billmeiers. It was a bit chilly, but the kids didn't seem to mind.

the 'hunt' begins...

The Easter bunny...Deagan was NOT a fan

but Deagan loved his basket...

the 'sugar crash'

Sunday, we went to church and then to gramma & pawpaw's house for lunch and our own little easter egg hunt.

Monday, March 17, 2008

He's a strange one...

This is something Nick has done since Trevon was born...put T's socks on his ears. There is no explanation for this except Nick is...well, Nick. :) (I'll probably be in trouble for this one, but it's worth it.) hehe

Ahh, the spring tease...

Here are some pictures of the boys playing outside last week when it was warm.

They seem a bit confused in this first one...shouldn't Deagan be in the grass and Trevon on the sidewalk?

Deagan hasn't quite figured out the bike.
The jeep is NOT pink...just sun-faded red. :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

bellies!! (per request)

For those of you who keep bugging me about seeing my 'prego belly' (Kristi!!) it is. Not the traditional side-profile-pregnant-belly-pose but this was a little more fun. (And also happens to be Deagan's favorite past-time...showing his bel-wee)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Catching Game...

That's the name given by Trevon for his new favorite thing to do with daddy. This was a video taken after about 15 minutes of the 'game'...they were starting to wind down a little at this point, especially dad. It's also a good way to get Trevon to pick up his toys. Note the bookshelf, third shelf down. (That's not how I put the books on there, but it works for a 3 year old.) Also, Deagan seems to be developing a drinking problem in the video.

Trevon has asked me to play the 'catching game' but I quickly informed him that was a 'daddy' game only!!